Ron Hulsey, Vice President Zone B
We moved to our first mobile home park in 2006. . . We had a new owner who came in and started destroying the landscape of what had been a beautiful park. They then hired a manager on drugs and employees also on drugs. After having numerous major failure to maintain issues, people in the park started coming to me for advice on what to do about the issues before us
After trying many places for help with the problems, I found GSMOL in 2011. Jim Burr and Jean Crowder came to the park and let us know about our rights as mobile homeowners. We joined at that point and I became the Chapter President without even knowing it. (guess I stepped out at the right time).
I then became an associate manager of Zone B and shortly after that became a Regional manager. Three months later I was voted in as Zone VP for Zone B.
Prior to retiring and joining GSMOL I spent many years in the transportation business.