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GSMOL Committees


 Legislative Action Team (LAT) Committee

  • Purpose:  The purpose of this committee is to act as a steering committee that works with our Legislative Advocate (lobbyist) to develop an action plan to introduce bills that ensure safety and fairness for residents of manufactured home parks, and to promote homeowner support or opposition for any pending bills that impact manufactured park residents and homeowners.
  • Chair:  In Transition
  • Meetings: Weekly by Zoom. There are also teleconferences on Saturdays with the Legislative Contacts (a.k.a. LCs) and Zone/Regional leaders.

 Budget/Finance Committee

  • Purpose:  The purpose of this committee is to draft the annual GSMOL budget for review and implementation by the Board of Directors and to direct the financial affairs of the corporation.
  • Chair: Shelly Parker

Membership Committee

  • Purpose: The purpose of this committee is to promote and coordinate the enrollment, retention, and support of members; to recruit and train regional leaders; to establish, reactivate and support GSMOL chapters and Super-Chapters; to produce and regularly review membership materials (in conjunction with the Publications Committee) and make them available to leaders and chapter officers.
  • Co-Chairs: Martha O’Connell and Beverly Lewis

Leadership Training Committee

  • Purpose: The LTC evaluates existing GSMOL resources for training leaders, investigates other training resources, produces new resources, and works with GSMOL leaders as needed to help them recruit and train new leaders.   Zoom meetings are held from time to time with the GSMOL leaders to share information, issues and ideas related to training.
  • Chair: Anne Anderson

Publications Committee

  • Purpose: The purpose of this committee is to oversee the publication of any proposed new documents (forms, handouts, manuals, etc.) or changes to documents.
  • Chair: Mary Jo Baretich

Californian Editorial Committee

  • Chair: Bill Seaton

Communications Committee

  • Chair: Henry Cleveland

Website Committee

  • Purpose: The purpose of this committee is to oversee all aspects of and maintain the website so that it is current, relevant and a professional resource for our members and other homeowners.
  • Chair: Anne Anderson
  • Website Content Manager: Anne Anderson
  • Webmaster: James P. Williams, Coast 2 Coast Web Hosting

Elections Committee

  • Chair: none

Bylaws Committee

  • Chair: Henry Cleveland
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