Rent Stabilization News
Santa Maria mobile home residents advocate for rent stabilization through challenging city politics
By Taylor O'Connor | Source | Rancho Buena Vista Mobile Home Park resident Gary Hall has spoken at the last 27 Santa Maria City Council meetings. His mission: to get a mobile home rent stabilization ordinance on the council’s agenda. A rent stabilization ordinance...
Youngstown MHP Residents Turn Away Rent Increase
by Deane Sargent | Source | The resident group at Youngstown MHP, Petaluma, CA announced that the recent arbitration action brought by their new corporate park owner (“Owner”) resulted in a resounding VICTORY for the residents. Youngstown MHP is a 103 site...
Fresno County will consider rent control for mobile home parks
By Monica Vaughan | Source | Fresno County supervisors will consider a rent control policy to limit price gouging at the 98 mobile home parks in rural parts of the county — a direct result of organizing by a large family of indigenous farmworkers from Oaxaca who...
Opinion: Space rent stabilization is needed to protect vulnerable residents in Belmont Shores Mobile Estates
By Terri Quinlan | Source | Belmont Shores Mobile Estates Resident Owners have observed the numerous improvements to Downtown Long Beach in anticipation of the 2028 Olympic Games. Participants from all over the world will no doubt be impressed when visitors see old...
Council Wrestles with How to Protect Mobile Homeowners from Rent Gouging
by Jesse La Tour | Source In an effort to protect 155 residents of Rancho La Paz mobile home park in Fullerton from the extreme rent increases imposed by the park’s new owner, Fullerton city council voted at their July 16 meeting to agendize a temporary rent hike...
St. Helena Council Moves Ahead with Mobile Home Rent Stabilization
Written by Jesse Duarte | SourceNapa Valley Register | October 10, 2018 ST. HELENA — Facing opposition from the owners of Vineyard Valley Mobile Home Park and many of its residents, the St. Helena City Council is moving ahead with a rent stabilization...
Sunnyvale Council Candidates Tackle Rent Control and Housing at Forum Hosted by Mobile Home Park Group
Written by Khalida Sarwari | SourceThe Mercury News | October 4, 2018 5:48 PMWith the Sunnyvale City Council election looming, housing affordability became the key topic at a candidates forum Wednesday night where more than 100 residents turned out to hear...
Vacancy Control is Critical in the Rent Stabilization Ordinance
Written by Grace Kistner | SourceSt. Helena Star | September 18, 2018In the Sept. 6 edition of the St. Helena Star, Jesse Duarte wrote a story on the proposed rent stabilization ordinance. However, he did not include any information on the vacancy control...