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An enthusiastic crowd from Aptos to McKinleyville heard expert speakers from GSMOL and HCD at Moon Valley Clubhouse.
Audience at Sonoma

Big THANK YOU to Sonoma Valley GSMOL and Zone A-1 conference committee: Sonoma Valley GSMOL (SVGSMOL) President Ann Colichidas and VP Alison Lucero, Zone A-1 VP Dick Heine, GSMOL Associate Manager Carol Werner, who presented a successful and informative Regional Conference at Moon Valley Clubhouse on Saturday March 7, 2020.

Kitchen Crew at Sonoma Conference

HCD’s Matt Weise gave an informative talk about HCD’s jurisdiction in relation to park and lot inspections; with a reminder that permits are required for many projects including replacing a water heater. GSMOL legislative advocate Esperanza Ross inspired us saying this is the year to pursue affordable housing legislation. Bruce Stanton gave us a mini-course on the MRL, answered the many questions posed by the audience, but in the end it’s always the same intractable issue: trees and driveways!

Lunchtime at Sonoma Conference

Center picture from left: In the kitchen with Joe Nye, Alison Lucero, Carol Bojarsky, Linda Nye, Ann Colichidas. Photo credits: Henry Cleveland and Lin Marie deVincent.

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