Selling Your Home
What’s in this Collection of Resources?
1 Transfer of Mobilehome – Civil Code. The MRL has a lot to say about selling a mobilehome in a California MH Park. Here’s a summary of those laws you and your listing agent should review together – before putting your home on the market.
2 Civil Code §798.74(a). What can management consider when deciding if a potential homebuyer is “suitable for residency?” How much time does management have to notify the buyer and seller of acceptance or rejection?
3 Interested Parties. Who’s interested in seeing your home sale “go through?” Can you work as a team?
4 Buyer’s Letter To Management. The buyer should send a letter to management, asking for timely notice of acceptance or rejection. Here is an editable letter the buyer can use, with instructions.
5 When You Sell Your Home. Valuable information about long-term leases, buyer’s proof of ability to pay rent, and concerns about selling your home “to the park.”
6 Protecting Mobilehome Inheritance Rights. Attorney Bruce Stanton’s article about MH inheritance rights. Be sure to read this, and get a copy to your heirs.
“Problems With Home Sales and Rights of Heirs” – a Presentation by GSMOL Vice President David Loop
You can arrange to have Dave give this “pocketbook issue” presentation to residents in your MH park or Coalition via Zoom! Here’s how!