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Why should you join GSMOL?

As an owner of a manufactured home, you are in a unique ownership situation not duplicated anywhere else. You own your home, but you also rent someone else’s land. Your financial investment in your home is often greater than the park owner’s investment in your lot, even allowing for a share of the common area. Yet, park owners have a HUGE influence over your living conditions. GSMOL’s goal is to help manufactured home owners protect their investment in their homes and to protect their manufactured home quality of life.

No other manufactured home owner organization has the history of solving park problems and influence in Sacramento that we have. Since you can’t personally go to Sacramento to represent yourself on every manufactured home issue, GSMOL does it for you, through our paid Legislative Advocate (lobbyist), consultants and Legislative Action Team. When they sit down with a legislator to represent your interests, the combined force of GSMOL’s membership and valuable alliances with partner organizations is behind them, and that legislator knows it. The sound of thousands of voices and clout of partners like AARP, CARA and others helps ensure that our government officials will recognize that we are strong and powerful … and they WILL LISTEN!

To prevent a conflict of interest, it is GSMOL’s policy that we do not allow park owners, park managers or anyone affiliated with them to become a GSMOL member.

Joining GSMOL entitles you to these great benefits and more!

  • You will receive a copy of The Californian, our quarterly publication that reports on and analyzes issues and news from around the State, and answers questions about laws that affect manufactured-home owners.
  • GSMOL’s “E-Blast” email list, bringing you weekly Legislative bulletins and other up-to-the-minute news! Sign up by clicking the yellow button on the home page!
  • Access to your GSMOL Regional Leaders, who can help you enjoy your rights and protections under the Law. See the map on the Contact Us page to find the leader nearest you.
  • Access to Members Only areas of the website, where you will be given access to view resources that are only available to members and be provided a way to communicate with other members throughout the state.


If you are looking to setup a new membership please select one of the member options below. If you already have an account and want to renew please first LOGIN then go to to the “My GSMOL Account” link then click on “Subscriptions” then click on “Renew”.

Individual Membership

A single yearly membership for one individual. Member can vote, hold office and count as member for Chapter minimum.


$25 / Year

Individual + 2nd Person in Household

One individual plus an additional person in the household. Two memberships for a little more than the price of one!  Both members can vote, hold office and count as members for Chapter minimum.

$35 / Year

3-Year Membership

Save money with a 3-year individual membership. Member can vote, hold office and count as member for Chapter minimum. 

$60 For 3 Years

3-Year Membership Plus Housemate

Save money with a 3-year individual membership. Member can vote, hold office and count as member for Chapter minimum.

$90 For 3 Years

Associate Membership

For people who do not live in a mobilehome park but want to support GSMOL and keep informed on what we are doing.  Associate Members receive The Californian but have no other GSMOL member benefits.

$15 / Year

You can also join by mail using one of the forms below or by phone:
GSMOL • 14802 Beach Blvd. • La Mirada, CA 90638

Membership Applications To Print Out & Send To GSMOL

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