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Residents with disabilities are entitled to be free from harassment and discrimination in all aspects of housing. They also have a right to reasonable accommodation in rules, policies, practices, or services related to housing. This normally takes the form of a change in an existing rule, policy, practice or service, such as allowing an assistive animal even though the current rental agreement has a “no pet” provision. Residents with disabilities are also permitted, at their own expense and with proper permits, to modify their dwellings, e.g., by building a ramp, to ensure full enjoyment of the premises. (Civ. 798.29.6) Modifications require obtaining proper permits beforehand. For additional information, contact the state Department of Fair Employment and Housing at (800) 233-3212, or at

● Disabled homeowners have the right to reasonable accommodations.
● Disabled homeowners are permitted to modify their own homes with proper permits.

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