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Linda Nye, GSMOL State President

I began this adventure with GSMOL as a Chapter President in Stockton. In our park, residents were afraid to come out of their homes. Managers would patrol our park several times a day looking for infractions. It was not until we got brave enough to form a GSMOL chapter and learned about our rights that things changed dramatically for the better. Within 2 months the managers were let go. A month later the park was sold to a very caring company and life became wonderful in our park.

That was the beginning of my adventures with GSMOL. Within the year I became a Regional Manager for Region 13, which covers Alpine County down to Stanislaus. Going into the parks and seeing others have the same success we had in our park was a wonderful feeling that I cannot describe and it energized me to want to do more.

In 2018 I became the Zone B Vice President, which covered Alpine County down to Bakersfield and along the Highway 99 corridor. I still felt the joy of helping residents but now there was even more.

This year I have the honor of becoming your President. Being part of this organization has been so fulfilling even while being a challenge. And while this has been a learning experience, we have some of the best volunteers I have ever had the pleasure to work with. These people put their hearts and souls into this organization and it is a pleasure to be part of the progress we are making for the good of our members.

At the same time, I am a real estate broker by trade, a wife, a Mom to 4 and Granny to 8, ranging in age from 25 down to 8. They own my heart.

I hope to meet many of you during my term. We are all working hard to make your lives better.

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