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By KAREN VELIE | Source |

The management company for South Peak Mobil Park in San Luis Obispo settled a civil lawsuit with prosecutors this month for illegal business practices including failing to reimburse background fees.

Prosecutors filed a civil suit in May 2024 against Harmony Communities, a real estate management and brokerage firm that operates over 50 mobilehome parks in California. The complaint accuses Harmony Communities of charging for background fees and then failing to credit the payments to the first month rent as required by law.

The company also made misleading statements about housing units it listed on the multiple listing service.

In the settlement agreement, Harmony Communities and its associated real estate brokerage company, Partners Real Estate, agrees to pay $61,000 for civil penalties and a contribution to Central California Legal Services, a non-profit organization offering free legal assistance to tenants.

“Mobile home park residents generally have lower value assets and net worth than those living in traditional homes, often making these residents economically vulnerable,” said San Luis Obispo County District Attorney Dan Dow. “We want to ensure that the management teams and operators of mobile home parks comply with California law and maintain business practices that prevent abuses and ensure fair treatment of residents who live in these communities.”


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